Friday, September 30, 2011

I'll Be Out On The Front Steps!

I've done it again! I have 9, yes you read that right NINE children at my house tonight all ages 11 and under.  With 1 adult to supervise the whole meeting.  That one adult would be me!  What was I thinking?  I'm not sure that I was.  But on a serious note, I love each and everyone of these children that I have in my home.  They are all friends, and they all have their own idiosyncrasies that make each of them unique and for some reason they all work.

Now, when Shylah & Molly found out that we were going to have company tonight, and that they were going to have other people to play with besides each other, something happens to them.  They get all excited, they can't contain their emotions and they each have a smile from ear to ear.  Why is that?

Why is it that kids get all excited to have some one to play with, talk to, spend time with, and share secrets with?  Is it because they know what joy really is? Is it because they love sharing their time with people that understand them? Is it because they have a special connection that makes it so exciting to be together?

What about adult girlfriends, or ladies Bible studies, or a girls' night out.  What makes us so happy about getting together with our girl friends that we are absolutely gitty and so unbelievably disappointed if the plans fall through?  Is it because we miss that bonding time, is it because we miss the deep, genuine talks?  Is it because we can tell our friends exactly how we feel about something, and feelings aren't hurt, because we know that it is said out of love for the other person?  I love it when me and a couple of my friends get together and we can just sit and talk to each other from the heart.

I am sure God put our friends in our lives for this purpose, for our friends to fill our hearts and speak to us truthfully about life.   What if we ran to God with the excitement that we have when we are getting together with our friends, if we ran to God with open arms, so excited to talk to him that we couldn't stop smiling.  That we told God how we were really feeling, but knowing that His feelings weren't getting hurt because we were speaking to Him in love.  Or, if it was the other way around, if we heard what God was saying to us, and even if we didn't like it, we knew that it was all out of His love for us.

Don't you think that God wants us to be so excited to see Him, and talk to Him, and pour out our hearts to Him that we can hardly contain ourselves?

Maybe we need to be more like the 9 children that are tearing my house apart right now.  Maybe we need to be so excited to spend time with our Father that we can't wait another minute.  Can you imagine how close we would become to our greatest friend?  Can you imagine how full our hearts would be?  How big our smiles would be?

So, as I finish this, I'm hearing the team work, and the giggles, and the excitement of friends being together.  Even if I'm out numbered.  Even if I will be deaf in the morning, or out of sugary snacks.

The bond that these kids are forming are hopefully going to be for a lifetime.  Just like our bond with our Heavenly Father will be for an eternal lifetime!

So, while these kids are turning my house upside down, I will be out on the front steps, taking it all in.

Because of Him,

Monday, September 26, 2011

Taking A Moment

Today I'm exhausted! Work stresses me out, and sends my blood pressure through the roof.  I always said that I would never be a stay at home mom, but it's got to be easier than working AND being a mom...Right? I know right now, there is no feasible way for me to stay home and be with my kids, maybe that will happen when they are all in school.  Oh that would almost be heaven.

A whole day without children.  Oh what would I do with my time?  Maybe my laundry would always be done, and the sink empty.  Maybe the laundry that was done would actually be put away in the drawers they belonged in.  Maybe my shower would be white, and not beige with a hint of brown.  Maybe you could walk on my floors with out your feet turning black.  Maybe supper would always be on time, and the fridge would never be empty.  Oh what a wonderful world that would be.

But, is God using me to witness to those I work with, whether my job stresses me out or not?  I'm sure He is.  Actually, I KNOW He is. My attitude during the day and how I handle those who rub me the wrong way, and talk nonsense about me is a reflection on how close my walk with God really is.  If I cuss them out and talk bad about them behind their backs, and whisper and gossip, that is not only a horrible reflection on me, but of my Father.   He has taught me better than that, and I need to remember that always; no matter where I am.

Even though I came home tonight wishing that I had called in sick, I had to change modes and enter the Mommy mode.  The mode where needy, and some unhappy patients turned into whining and fussing children.  Where mouths full of cavities turned into a bloody nose.  Where insurance frustrations turned into obeying problems.

As tired as I am, eyes burning, longing for the moment that I can put on my pajamas and put my head on my pillow, We, as a family sat down to eat dinner at the table, went outside to play stuck in the mud in the pitch black, and read my girls stories before they went to bed.  Just because my day was a total disaster, doesn't mean that I can't take that moment to let my kids know how very much they are loved.  And just to hear them squealing and laughing running around the backyard, makes my heart so giddy, that my worries from work earlier today don't seem to quite matter as much.  And, it doesn't really matter if my feet turn black inside the house, my kids didn't seem to care.

Take a moment to clear your head from work, the nasty cashier at the check out line, or the car that totally cut you off on the interstate.  Take a moment to remember that our day couldn't have been worse than the pain that our Father went through to give us this life that we are supposed to be living for Him.

Take a moment to remember that we are our children's role models, that we shape who they will become.  Just think, if they see us taking a moment to go to God and ask for help throughout the day, or they see us getting frustrated, but taking a moment to make good out of bad, they will model what they are shown.  Who cares if the dishes are done, or the laundry put away, or if you work at a job, or work at home? No matter what we do, we need to take a moment and remember that we're supposed to do it all for Him!

Because of Him,

Sunday, September 25, 2011

When the Time is Right

Well all, it's been a few weeks since I've last written.  Okay, maybe a month or so.  Either way, it's been too long.  Since we last chatted, we have gone on vacation, Shylah has turned 6, Adam has worked too many hours, my 5K is done and over with (with a time of 54 min, but I finished), we have had some renovations done to the house, thanks to some great friends, and my girls have run me ragged.

I am not one that asks for help much, and Adam is even more stubborn that I am in that regards.  However, I am an open book and I often spill too much of my life story than anyone really wants to know.  I can do many things well, but often take on way to much for me to handle.  I overwhelm myself with trying to be in 5 places at once, have a to-do list a few miles long, and am so rundown, that I would just love to stay in bed for a day to re-coup.

But, anyway, back to asking for help.  We often struggle with asking our friends, family, co-workers, bosses, fellow church members for help.  WHY?!  Didn't God put them in our path so we could be a blessing to them, and vise versa? And, on that note didn't God say to come to Him in prayer with all of our needs and they would be heard? Didn't God say that He would take care of us, in all aspects of our life?

Doesn't God want us to rely on Him for our everyday troubles? Our everyday hurts? Our everyday needs? And in return all He asks for is the glory?

Well friends, I am guilty of not asking for help, for not having a conversation with my biggest fan, for not pouring my entire heart out to Him. I am guilty of only giving Him the pieces that I WANT help with.  Not necessarily what I NEED help with.

Remember, I am not giving advise, and am in no way saying I'm an expert. I am simply writing my thoughts and tribulations down on paper (maybe not paper to be exact) in hopes that maybe one of my readers is going through the very same thing.  That my life may be an insight to what is happening with your life as well.

So, I am challenging all of us, to put down our walls, lower our pride, and ask for help.  Not just for things we want, but even things we know will be a struggle to obtain.  Will you walk along with me in this venture?  So when the time is right, we can help others who may ask for it, or who may not know they need help.

Because of Him,