Yes, I know it's been a while. Life has been piling up; kinda like the laundry that I have going on my dining room table. Yes, you read correctly I have piles of clean, folded laundry on my dining room table.
As I was folding all this laundry, which I don't believe all of it was dirty, I was singing along to the ipod and thinking how many times do we let things pile up?.
Take for instance we let dishes pile up until there are no more spoons. We let laundry pile up until we no longer have any clean under ware. The trash, we let that pile up until the bag rips from stuff being shoved into it. We let bills pile up until we get that phone call that it is past due, or there is no water to do all that laundry with.
Don't we do that with everyday life too? We let all the little things that bother us about people pile up. We let things that hurt us pile up, we let worry pile up until we have ulcers. We let petty things bother us, until eventually we explode. Just like our laundry, or trash, or bills. Then it feels as though nothing can be done right by anybody. Our children seem to know when we have reached our boiling point and can sense that the explosion is going to happen very soon.
They know that if they whine just a little more, or disobey one more time, or fight with each other, then Mom is going to put on a show.
What if instead of letting things pile up, we took every little thing to God in prayer? What if we asked for help with time management so things wouldn't pile up? What if we asked God for insight on how to deal with those petty things that don't really matter anyways? I think if we did this maybe the whining and the disobeying, and the arguing wouldn't be that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. I think we would be able to keep our house picked up and laundry done so we have skivvies to wear.
And isn't that what God wants, he wants us to have a relationship with Him. Don't we complain to our friends about things like the house and the kids and our jobs? Why wouldn't we go to God then? As the song goes: I am a friend of God, He calls me friend.
Hello God,
I know that you know that I have a lot on my mind right now, and I really need to talk to you for a minute. I may think it's petty and small, but small things add up to huge pile, and I don't want to explode. So here goes.
I hope you all find the time to go through your piles and give them to God.
Because of Him,
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