Sunday, September 25, 2011

When the Time is Right

Well all, it's been a few weeks since I've last written.  Okay, maybe a month or so.  Either way, it's been too long.  Since we last chatted, we have gone on vacation, Shylah has turned 6, Adam has worked too many hours, my 5K is done and over with (with a time of 54 min, but I finished), we have had some renovations done to the house, thanks to some great friends, and my girls have run me ragged.

I am not one that asks for help much, and Adam is even more stubborn that I am in that regards.  However, I am an open book and I often spill too much of my life story than anyone really wants to know.  I can do many things well, but often take on way to much for me to handle.  I overwhelm myself with trying to be in 5 places at once, have a to-do list a few miles long, and am so rundown, that I would just love to stay in bed for a day to re-coup.

But, anyway, back to asking for help.  We often struggle with asking our friends, family, co-workers, bosses, fellow church members for help.  WHY?!  Didn't God put them in our path so we could be a blessing to them, and vise versa? And, on that note didn't God say to come to Him in prayer with all of our needs and they would be heard? Didn't God say that He would take care of us, in all aspects of our life?

Doesn't God want us to rely on Him for our everyday troubles? Our everyday hurts? Our everyday needs? And in return all He asks for is the glory?

Well friends, I am guilty of not asking for help, for not having a conversation with my biggest fan, for not pouring my entire heart out to Him. I am guilty of only giving Him the pieces that I WANT help with.  Not necessarily what I NEED help with.

Remember, I am not giving advise, and am in no way saying I'm an expert. I am simply writing my thoughts and tribulations down on paper (maybe not paper to be exact) in hopes that maybe one of my readers is going through the very same thing.  That my life may be an insight to what is happening with your life as well.

So, I am challenging all of us, to put down our walls, lower our pride, and ask for help.  Not just for things we want, but even things we know will be a struggle to obtain.  Will you walk along with me in this venture?  So when the time is right, we can help others who may ask for it, or who may not know they need help.

Because of Him,

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